
Thursday, September 15, 2011

photography: a new lens

 I don't have much to say today. I haven't been feeling great, have had no energy or motivation to do anything. So I've been sitting around doing little to nothing thinking of all the unfinished projects I have. Which are a lot.

I had a birthday almost 2 months ago and my husband bought me this wide angle macro adapter lens. Which is pretty cool because my favorite sorts of photography are landscapes and close ups. An actual wide angle lens and macro lens would be really expensive so I thought this was worth a try until I can get the real thing. I hadn't touched the new lens until just a couple days ago.

There was this spider web between some rocks and it captured some rain I thought was kind of cool. The macro adapter required me to get extremely close--the lens almost touching the web. Then the auto focus was having a really hard time focusing in. I ended up manually focusing which was also hard because I was scrunched down in the rocks, holding the camera with one hand, focusing with the other, while trying to not fall over. And being scrunched over hurt and got me all sick-like and I was mostly laid up for the rest of the day. (I hate being pregnant.) But I did try out the new lens and while I'm guessing it won't compare to the real thing, it's good enough for now.


  1. Cool! You totally stole what I was going to post about-- because Brett just bought me a new lens for my birthday and I took it out yesterday. Mine doesn't get as close-up as yours, which is too bad, because these are really really cool!
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well~ hopefully you are on the upswing and will be feeling better soon!

  2. I just got a dslr a month or so ago. I love it so much! I can't wait to try out another lens, the one I have gets me so much closer then my point and shoot ever did.
    Love the spider web pics.

  3. I just found your blog (I was looking for a Star Wars printable, yours is great btw). Thanks for posting about this adaptor, I like to take photos of spider webs, so this might work as I am not prepared to invest in a macro lens at this moment.
