
Friday, May 13, 2011

photography: learning photoshop

I really love photoshop. I finally learned how to properly add a texture or filter overlay.

sooc but cropped to 8x10

edited using a vintage texture overlay and other color, saturation, vibrance settings
Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama

I've been wanting to learn this selective color for awhile now. There are so many awesome photoshop tutorials out there. I just google what it is I want to learn how to do and I get tons of results. This one was super easy.

sooc but cropped to 8x10

 edited using black and white, history brush, and other color, saturation, vibrance settings

Stupid blogger was down for a couple days. My post from Wednesday was restored but not the comments. I saw two comments, if there were any others, sorry I missed them!

So, to Mr. Tiny: Thanks! You can not have all the talents! I look at all the crazy amazing things you've sewn and wonder why I can't even sew a straight line. I'd love to sew more of my own clothes but it just never turns out right. I have an apron you made and I marvel at the seams everytime I see it. Why can't I do that?
To Scrollwork (I believe it was you): Thanks so much for stopping by. Thanks for your kind words, it really made my day! I knew instantly what I wanted to name my etsy shop and blog and was excited when both were available. It just fits me.


  1. Wow- Photoshop really looks impressive. I like what you've done with the pics!

  2. Nice edits. I still need to figure out textures in photoshop.
