
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

apology pass-along cards

I am going to spare you all the details of my latest, horrific Wal-Mart shopping trip. The short version is: all I needed were a couple vitamin supplements and diapers. They are cheaper at Wal-Mart so I decided to make a short trip. My almost 3 yr old had a major meltdown. Screaming, crying, pushing, kicking, screaming, screaming. He's extremely loud. And obnoxious. I am used to getting a few glances and short looks. It happens; sometimes I find myself doing it to others. This time people didn't just look and move on. They stopped. They stared. They continued to watch us as we walked along. As if I was pushing along exterterrestrial offspring in my cart.

I decided it would be nice to have little note cards of apologies to hand out as I know how awful it can be when I must endure someone else's screaming child. So here are a few little notes you can all print off for your own shopping trip adventures. Carry a few in your bag and hand them out when your child becomes less than that perfect child who sits properly in the cart with a seat belt, eats green beans, and falls asleep right at 6:30pm and doesn't wake until 7am.

How I wish I had a nicely written note of sincere remorse to give the kind old gent that came up to me and told me that my blank blank child could be heard all over the blank store and was a pain in his blank. (Yes, for reals, he did.)


  1. I would tell you what popped into my head when you said someone actually had the audacity to say the things to you they did - I really would, but then you would have to censor me - because it was really that bad! Cudos to you for not having a dirty sailor mouth like I would have. When someone is that rude to me - something in me snaps...and it gets ugly. If I put my dirty sailor thoughts down on a pass along card - does that make it less sinful? What do you think?

  2. Ha ha- my favorite is the serenity one. Awesome.

  3. Hilarious. This happened to us in NYC. Mike was with us. Enough said. :-)

  4. HOLY crow old man. When I see moms who look frazzled as their child throws a fit, I usually just give them a look of sympathy. Whether or not we'd like to admit it, we've all BEEN THERE.

  5. I saw this on Someday Crafts "Whatever Wednesday" and I love it! I definatly needed these when my son accidentally dropped his favorite hot wheel in the vent to the fresh meat cooler and it went under the cooler, never to be seen again. He was screaming and jumping and sobbing and inconsolable. There were a couple of women, obviously mothers, that stopped to help (one even offered him a car out of her purse), but most walked past and stared with that "that kid needs his butt busted" look on their face. I even saw someone I knew about 20 minutes later in the store. She saw my son's tear streaked face and asked how we were and I started to say "Well, we had an accident..." at which point she cut me off and sharply said "I know I heard." I love these and I am definatly going to print them out to keep on hand! Thanks!

  6. Love these! Probably better than what I mouth off to peeps that have the nerve to say something to me ;)

  7. oh my, I love that yellow sign. Oh yes, I've had to endure the "stares" of people thinking "what a horrible mother, she can't shut her kid up!" the worst thing was when my son was a newborn, and started crying. Even when he wasn't wet, OR hungry, or tired, he just CRIED. A LOT. EVERYWHERE. it was hard to go anywhere.

    People would come up to me and say "Your baby's crying." DUHHHHH! I didn't NOTICE!

    either that, or they'd say "he needs to eat." Um, no he doesn't, I just fed him 10 minutes ago. He cries. that's what he DOES. But sometimes, I need to go shopping. Excuse me for living! lol

  8. I LOVEEE this post. This happens to me EVERY single wal-mart trip!! =)


  9. HA HA, these are perfect. I love them, and could so see myself actually passing these out, wonder if that would only piss the person off even more, lol but it sure would crack me up, ha ha.

    You have to link this up girl, it's too funny!!!

    Also I'm having a huge giveaway $100 prize total, blog makeovers and necklaces up for grabs to 4 winners. If you think you might be interested, here's the link :) **Blog Makeover Giveaway**

    Thanks so much for your support,
    Bella :)

  10. BTW, I totally featured this on my facebook, and pinterest.

    Thanks for making me chuckle.

    Bella :)

  11. Ha! Your apology cards are hilarious! And don't worry about wal-mart melt downs, it happens to the best of us, and whoever says their child hasn't done that is a big fat liar! ~Jen @
